Thursday, August 27, 2009

Week 5- lecture Summary

What I gathered from this weeks lecture is the understanding between media and technology and how they have worked together change the world we live in. The lecture discussed the evolution of social media and how it allows us to have a whole new world on the internet.

Concepts that were discussed include ‘Individual identity’- according to the lecture it allows individuals to experiment with different forms of themselves on a virtual level. The internet allows them to have various identities. Programs like second life take this idea to the extreme as you can totally create a new virtual life for yourself. I find it great that people can have fun with sort of stuff but at the same times it’s a little creepy that people get so involved in a ‘life’ that is fake/virtual. ‘Virtual community’ on the other hand involves people discussing interests on the web. Through this social connections are made.


One of the other areas of the lecture I found interest was the question raised toward the end, Are we consumers or creators?  

When you think about it utilities like Blogger, Facebook and My space cannot exist without us (the consumers), however we could not create these profiles for ourselves without the (creators). We as individuals didn’t create Facebook or Blogger, but we are too some extent also creators. The content we put on the internet and how we choose to display it is our creation. Although we are limited by terms and conditions and certain specification its still our creation. For example we don’t choose how our Facebook profile appears, we choose what appears on it. I suppose in a sense Facebook/ Blogger ect is like a collaborative project/art work. There is an idea or creation but the need for others to bring that creation to life.

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