Wednesday, August 19, 2009

WEEK 3- Myself and New Communication Technologies

The first time I began using "new communication technologies’ probably began as early as  10 years ago ie; grade 7. It was ICQ which is an instant online messaging program that was before msn and similar to facebook instant chat available now.

I used it purely to communicate with friends and would never have known about it, or known how to use it if it wasn’t for the friends that introduced me to it.  It was really just a way to talk to friends that didn’t result in getting yelled at by my parents for a disgracefully expensive phone bill. Since that day my use of these technologies has increased and expanded (probably to an unhealthy level). I now use facebook and email from my mobile as apposed to the giant, chunky family Pc i had in year 7.

I’ve personally never had any problems with privacy on social sites although I don’t accept friend requests from people I have never heard off, nor do I post anything I wouldn’t be comfortable with people seeing. In saying that though I have had friend who does the same thing and has had problems, so maybe I’m just lucky.

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